This lecture is designed for general dentists to gain confidence in decision making when performing extractions prior to delayed implant placement. Establish the definition of the PSE Concept (Preserving, Safe, Extraction). Thorough explanation of vital structures in oral cavity. How to successfully evaluate the extraction complexity and the accompanied risk assessment. Discussion of the surgical and restorative dental implant treatment planning prior to extraction. Extensive review of surgical techniques and instruments to perform “minimally” traumatic extractions. Clinically oriented discussion of the available ridge preservation techniques from both oral surgery and periodontal perspective. The decision making process of the best material available of the bone grafts and the barrier membranes.
Learning Objectives:
1- Participants will learn how to better diagnose, evaluate and treatment plan an extraction site prior to delayed implant placement.
2- Establish a solid understanding of handling extraction instruments and performing a PRESERVING SAFE EXTRACTION “PSE”
3- Dentists will gain extensive knowledge of when and how to perform a ridge preservation procedure and the available materials.