Anesthesia & Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office
Friday, May 9, 2025
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM PT
CE: 1.5 CE Credits
Primary Audience(s): Dentist
Additional Audience(s): Hygienist, EFDA/Dental Assistant, Front Office
As patients become more medically compromised and "fear of the dentist" is at an all time high, offering a patient a more comfortable experience is often indicated. Whether providing local anesthesia to a patient with cardiac problems or offering sedation to a healthy teenager, we must be aware of potential risks and complications that can occur in the dental office. Even those of us offering no anesthesia are open to a medical emergency in the dental office waiting area or operatory. Therefore, being prepared and having a baseline knowledge of medical emergencies is paramount. This presentation will discuss common medical emergencies, prevention, and management.
Learning Objectives:
This course will discuss how to obtain an effective medical consult.
This course will review prevention of common medical emergencies in the dental office.
This course will help participants prepare for common medical emergencies in the dental office.